Tsu's Default Behavior is "Place". It's the one behavior we've done more than any other. Her muscle memory is honed to react the instant she hears this word.
It's her Pavlov's Bell.
Why? How? I'll tell you.
A default behavior is the go-to behavior your dog will offer when they don't know what else to do.
Because this behavior gives me the most control over her physical position, particularly when she's wearing a harness with handles. If she stands between my legs facing forward I can keep her out of harms way. Say we were on a hike, and I saw a black bear off in the distance but Tsu hadn't yet noticed said bear. This would be a good time to use "place" and walk in the opposite direction casually.
How? Stand with your back to your dog with a high value treat ( deli meat) in your hand. Look between your legs back at your dog and encourage them forward with generally nonsensical noises. When they walk between your legs proclaim "YES!" and deliver a SMALL portion of the treat to your dog. You don't want to give them the whole slab of boiled chicken, you just want to rip off a few shreds so you get the greatest number of repetitions from the quantity of reward you have on hand.
After you've lured your dog into the place position and delivered the treat pull your hand with the treats up towards your chest and stand still and quiet for just a second. then say Yes! and deliver another treat. You've just rewarded them for performing the "Place" behavior for an extended duration. Do this over and over and over until without you making any noises your dog offers this behavior expecting a treat in return.
Add the word Place in only after your dog reliable offers this behavior.
Throw in variations like walking while in Place which is very convenient for navigating the unpredictable sidewalks of Philadelphia. Your dog should read you and respond without verbal cue to remain in Place no matter where I am.
Do not use any form of punishment when teaching this behavior. This should be the safest of all zones.I don't condone punishment by physical trauma of any kind. Removing my attention or cutting a play session/walk short are all that are necessary.